This week …

News Highlights:

  • Israeli forces begin to install a barbed wire fence around a Palestinian village in the northern West Bank, completely closing it off.
  • Israeli forces detain a 70-year-old Palestinian woman, in what prisoner advocates say may be an attempt to pressure her activist son.
  • Barak Obama rejects Palestinian statehood moves at the UN, in his address to the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC.
  • Israeli PM Netanyahu also speaks at the AIPAC meeting, and rules out any compromise on key issues in negotiations.


A live interview with Khalid Mouammar, the president of the Canadian Arab Federation CAF, about issues of importance both here in Canada and in Palestine. Khalid, a Palestinian Canadian from the Galilee, talked about the policies of the Canadian government on issues in the Arab world, which have been against the aspirations of the Arab people be it in Tunisia, Egypt or Palestine. He also detailed what is happening with CAF’s lawsuit against the government for arbitrarily cutting its funding. The interview concluded with analysis of the 63rd commemoration of the Nakbe and how the Palestinian and Arab youth are leading the way in realizing Palestinian dreams.

Focus on Zionism:

Highlights of a May 23rd, 20111 on-the-ground report from the Palestine Monitor about resistance to the Israeli plan to completely seal off the village of Izbat at-Tabib.

Here is an audio file of this show: