This week …

News Highlights:

  • Israeli Assoc. for Civil Rights issues new report saying 84% of Palestinian children in occupied Jerusalem live below the poverty line.
  • Reporters without Borders criticize the arrest by Israeli troops of the director of the Palestinian Prisoner Channel in Jenin, the third such attack on the Palestinian media by Israel this year.
  • A conference on water and agricultural development in Palestine talks about how Palestinians are restricted in their access to water, due to Israeli control of 85% of such resources.


A live interview with Ehab Lotayef from Montreal, an Egyptian Canadian activist and poet, about the new project entitled Gaza’s Ark, Building Hope. Ehab, who was one of the internationals on board the Tahrir when it was boarded and kidnapped by Israeli forces last November, explained how this new project will involve building a boat in Gaza and sailing it out with Palestinian products for export. He detailed how the project will help support industry and infrastructure in Gaza as well as challenge the illegal Israeli blockade, and encouraged listeners to donate at to support the Palestinian people.