This week …

News Highlights:

  • Israeli soldiers shoot and kill a 14-year-old Palestinian in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, the second child to be killed by Israeli forces in less than a week.
  • Two protestors in Bilin are hit by gas canisters fired by Israeli soldiers, the same weapon that killed one Palestinian earlier this year.
  • Israeli Minister Ehud Barak authorizes the construction of more settlement units in the occupied West Bank.
  • U.S. envoy George Mitchell says he has obtained pledges from Arab states for various steps towards normalized relations with Israel.


A live interview with Lenni Brenner from New York, an American activist and writer from Jewish background who is launching one of his books in paperback. The book, entitled “51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis”, was first published in hardcover in 2002 and Lenni gave some details about what was covered in this important book. There was also discussion of The Iron Wall by Vladimir Jabotinsky, written in 1923, and how Israel’s current government is implementing many of these hard-line policies.

Focus on Zionism:

Highlights of a September 8th, 2009 article by Naomi Klein, detailing the reasons for the protest against the Toronto Film Festival due to its celebratory “spotlight” on Tel Aviv.

Here is an audio file of this show: