This show includes a special feature that marked the 60th anniversary of the U.N. Partition Plan, which was the beginning of the Palestinian Al Nakba.
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Nov 27
This show includes a special feature that marked the 60th anniversary of the U.N. Partition Plan, which was the beginning of the Palestinian Al Nakba.
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Nov 20
News Highlights:
Special Feature:
The special was an indepth look at the issues around the upcoming Annapolis summit and what might be expected to come out of it. Excerpts of an article by leading Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery were read, in which he spelled out why the summit was doomed to fail, and why Israeli officials wanted that result. The panel also talked about the scepticism amongst most Palestinians regarding the summit outcome and referred to comments by Dr. Haidar Eid in Gaza criticizing the new demand that Palestinians must recognize Israel as an exclusive Jewish state.
Focus on Zionism:
Highlights of a November 18th, 2007 report from a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement about Israeli harassment of a high school in Azzoun, that villagers say is part of Israeli military strategy to gain court approval for part of the separation wall.
Here is an audio file of this show:
Nov 20
This show includes an indepth look at the issues around the upcoming Annapolis summit and what might be expected to come out of it.
Download an audio file of today’s entire show to listen at home on your computer:
Nov 13
This show includes a live interview with Abdallah Omeish, the director of the new documentary about Palestine, called Occupation 101.
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Nov 13
News Highlights:
A live interview with Abdallah Omeish, the director of the new documentary about Palestine, called Occupation 101. Abdallah was scheduled to be in Vancouver on November 16th to show his film in two locations, followed by a director-led question and answer. He explained how he was motivated to make the film after visiting Jerusalem and wanted to inform North Americans in particular about the suffering of the Palestinians under occupation and the root causes of the conflict.
Focus on Zionism:
Highlights of a Nov. 13th, 2007 report from the Int’l. Middle East Media Centre about a Palestinian village in the Jordan Valley that had just been issued with its sixth demolition order by Israeli authorities.
Here is an audio file of this show:
Nov 06
This show includes an interview with Valerie Zink, a member of the Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign BIAC, in Vancouver to discuss the international boycott activities against Israel and what is happening locally.
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Nov 06
News Highlights:
An interview with Valerie Zink, a member of the Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign BIAC, in Vancouver to discuss the international boycott activities against Israel and what is happening locally. Valerie talked about how BIAC was formed and the pickets against Chapters stores in the lower mainland that happen the first three Saturdays of every month from 1-3pm. There was also discussion of how the global boycott movement is growing and the recent statement by the Quebec students federation in support of such actions.
Focus on Zionism:
Excerpts of an October 21st, 2007 article in The Observer about a recent report on the brutality of Israeli soldiers against Palestinians.
Here is an audio file of this show:
Oct 30
This show includes a live interview with Ali Abunimah, a Palestinian American author and activist and co-founder of the Electronic Intifada.
Download an audio file of today’s entire show to listen at home on your computer:
Oct 30
News Highlights:
A live interview with Ali Abunimah, a Palestinian American author and activist and co-founder of the Electronic Intifada. Ali spoke about the failure of the Oslo process and how the situation in Gaza showed that the U.S. and Israel refused to recognize the results of democratic elections. He also talked about his new book “One Country” and the one-state movement that is developing ground as a solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. Ali detailed the upcoming conference on this issue in London in November, in which he will be a participant.
Focus on Zionism:
Highlights of an October 28th, 2007 IPS report quoting part of a talk in Boston by S. African Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Tutu compared conditions in Palestine to those of S. Africa under apartheid and said a human rights violation is a human rights violation, wherever it occurs.
Here is an audio file of this show:
Oct 23
This show includes a live interview from Palestine with Huweida Araf, a long-time activist and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement.
Download an audio file of today’s entire show to listen at home on your computer: